First World problems read by Third World people

By on Monday, October 15, 2012

Here’s a really smart promotional video put together for US-based water charity Water is Life:

In the minute-long film, men, women and children from third world countries make statements you’d expect to hear from a spoilt person living in a more developed part of the world – known throughout Twitter as #firstworldproblems.

The video, which ends ‘#firstworldproblems are not real problems’ – though I’m not sure anybody ever disputed this – includes some absolute gems intended to tug on your heart strings:

“I hate it when my phone charger won’t reach my bed”

“I hate it when my house is so big, I need two wireless routers” and

“When I have to write my maid a check, but I forget her last name”.

A great charity PR campaign and one that should help increase donations, given it’s been viewed approximately 1.5m times since the 3rd October.

Source: Stunt of the Day

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