A Daily Twist on Cookie Conversation

By on Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Oreo cookies have been demonstrating their social versitility in fine form off late. Already mentioned on this blog  earlier in the year for their ‘Iconic Moments’ campaign, Oreo have kept the viral ball rolling with their rainbow cookie, the mars rollover cookie and now with the iOreo5.



The whole ‘Daily Twist‘ campaign has positioned Oreo as younger than ever in their 100th year birthday celebrations and their Facebook timeline is a fantastic example of creative social media marketing.

Oreo has seen a 110% growth in fan interaction per social-media post — defined as any combination of shares, likes or comments. The company averaged 7,000 per post before the “Daily Twist” launch. They’ve now reached an average of 14,700.Nice.

They’ve created a whole summers’ worth of conversation with their posts and this latest poke at the iPhone 5 is a fine example of social media PR in itself.

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