Guardian (and Glastonbury) steal Isle of White spotlight

By on Monday, June 25, 2012

THE FESTIVAL season is upon us once again, and with Glastonbury enjoying a year out, the opportunity for other festivals to step into the limelight is very much available.

However, whilst Isle of White festival-goers were trudging through knee-deep mud, a shrewd move by folks over at the Guardian enjoyed some viral-PR success.

A year ago to the day since Coldplay were headlining at Worthy Farm, Glastonbury fans can tune in to watch the ‘live action’ thanks to a live link from the national newspaper.  And whilst there may not be as many people around as last year, twitter users have commented on spotting the cows roaming around.

Take a look for yourself here.

It is a cheeky move by the paper, but one that has paid off.  At the time of writing this, I was one of nine people viewing the live feed, which has reportedly received almost 28,000 hits since going live on Friday morning and already has over 130 comments on the article.

For Glastonbury, it brings a great opportunity to once again put the big festival in the spotlight whilst dwellers battled the harsh conditions at the IOW gig.  It is also perfectly timed to coincide with the countless rumours on headliners for the 2013 event.


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