McVitie's lickable lift

By on Thursday, April 12, 2012

Mcvitie's, the classic baked goods producer, has unveiled a world first; An edible lift

Picture courtesy of The Drum online

The normally non-descript office elevator has been covered with 1,325 lick-able Jaffa Cakes. Orchestrated by London-based Mischief PR, the stunt has hit social media channels wit

h a force likely to see the #mischieflift and #lickablelift  trending by the end of the day.

It's the 85th birthday of Jaffa Cakes (is it a biscuit or a cake?) so I presume the stunt was set up as part of the celebrations. Whether that is the reason or not, this stunt has produced some hilarious pictures of people 'trying' the wall, and has produced even more jealous people who don't have an edible wall where they work. It's great to see a stunt that makes everyone happy; a job well done by Mischief PR, I'd say.


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