Aussie insurance company launches Wife Insurance

By on Wednesday, March 28, 2012

This hasn’t actually hasn’t gotten that much attention yet, but its sure to cause a storm once  twitter gets its mitts on it;

LifeBroker, an Australian insurance company, has launched a new product – Wife Insurance.

Picture courtesy of the wife insurance website:

Instant quotes are available for men to insure against ‘Wear and Tear', and handy tips and tricks for women are available on the site with advice such as putting on make-up at the end of the day so you look prettier than his secretary.

The whole thing is very tongue-in-cheek and, in my opinion, cute as pie.  It will almost certainly cause a storm when the feminists and the Mail get hold of it, the sign of a successful stunt (again, in my opinion). To keep a fair balance the company is also offering Husband Insurance to cover ‘Lazy Lovers’ and ‘ManCans’ (that’s moobs to us Brits). The site clearly states it’s all light hearted fun, and clearly you can’t actually take out the cover.

To keep up-to-date with all the news wife insurance has its own twitter accoun, or use #wifeinsurance


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