Haribo eggscapee

By on Thursday, March 22, 2012

Haribo has launched a new online campaign to boost it's Eggstra soft sweet line.

The campaign, developed by London-based Crab Creative, centres around the idea that a Haribo Eggstra has escaped from its packet and needs to be caught.

Picture courtesy of the

Haribo official facebook

Officially the campaign doesn't start until the 30th March, but it the escaped egg was spotted in Liverpool on the 21st.

The hunt, which kicks off at 9am next Friday, will see the escaped egg travel the UK, recording its activities through its personal twitter account. The egg has started tweeted about its new found freedom already, and activity can be followed using theĀ  #hariboegghunt.

For more information check out the official haribo egg hunt website


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