I’m a little teapot…

By on Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Debenhams is a PR powerhouse and last week brought with it one of their best stories I’ve seen. “The cornerstone of British social manners, the teapot, is dying out” reported The Independent. Retail data from Debenhams shows that we, the British nation, are abandoning teapots in favour of the lowly tea bag. According to the retailer, this is a ‘lazier method’ of making a brew. I wonder why? Nostalgia and the Queen’s Jubilee are two great ways to reinvigorate teapot sales.

What I love about the campaign is that it uses solid data to create the story. Alongside ‘Etiquette Expert’ Liz Brewer, a guide on how to make the perfect cuppa and a lovely campaign strap line: ‘Campaign for Civilised Tea Drinking’ this is a great PR campaign. It also shows that a little bit of integrity in the data leads to great results, with the story appearing in:

The Sun

Daily Mirror

Daily Mail


I also caught a feature on BBC news on the weekend with an ‘afternoon tea expert’ commenting on the delights of teapots over tea bags. A fantastic PR story showing good data and the very British topic of tea can generate brilliant coverage.

Time to put the kettle on….


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