British Airways Celebrates 100 Years with retro aircraft redesign

By on Tuesday, January 22, 2019

British Airways is to paint four of its aircraft to celebrate its centenary.

The first to be given the makeover is be a Boeing 747, which has received the British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) design, originally used between 1964 and 1974 .

The BOAC design will remain on the Boeing 747 until the aircraft is taken out of service in 2023.

British Airways chief executive Alex Cruz said: “So many British Airways customers and colleagues have fond memories of our previous liveries, regularly sharing their photos from across the globe, so it’s incredibly exciting to be re-introducing this classic BOAC design”

British Airways hinted that there could be more retro designs to come as part of its 100th birthday celebrations this year but details of the other planes to be painted are yet to be revealed.

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