Eos creates a Lotion Lock to protect our favourite products

By on Friday, December 22, 2023

Boyfriends just love to ‘borrow’ all of our expensive products, pay no respect to the quantity of application and do they ever replace it? I think not…

Eos have answered our prayers and come up with a fun solution to help us protect our products (finally)!

After a number of TikTok’s went viral showing men raving about Eos’ vanilla cashmere lotion, the brand collaborated with Mischief to create the “Lotion Lock’ – ensuring pesky hands are kept off our moisturiser!

The lock, which is fitted to the neck of the bottle, is engraved with cute letters, numbers and (most importantly) emojis!

“When we saw that men had discovered our body lotion, deep social listening also showed us that women were sharing concerns that this hype would lead to a shortage of a product which is already extremely popular! The Lotion Lock is our response—safeguarding your product from partners, friends and roommates who want to smell like vanilla cashmere. Because, who wouldn’t?”

Whilst they’re still in the prototype phase, any desperately in-need parties can register their interest here now! – eoslotionlock.com

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