McDonald’s launch takeaway box that unfolds into a table

By on Tuesday, April 25, 2023

McDonald’s and Leo Burnett design the ‘TableBag’ for Milan Design Week

Featured image for McDonald’s Makes Takeout Even More Convenient With TableBag

Last year the fast-food giant, McDonald’s, joined forces with Leo Burnett to make eating outside more appealing to the 400,000 attendees of Milan Fashion Week.

The crowded event didn’t leave much room for design enthusiasts to eat outside for Milan Fashion Week, so these 100% recyclable TableBags offered the perfect solution. The boxes were designed to be shared between two people, and whilst they were more like tote bags than typical food take-away bags, the boxes were able to unfold into tables once fixed to a post. The ‘table’ had space for two burgers, two orders of fries and even a pair of cup holders.


This way of eating was available to customers who ordered via the McDonald’s app


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