Activia Yoghurt create ‘What The Gut’ museum in Soho

By on Friday, January 27, 2023

In collaboration with gut-healthy yoghurt brand Activia, resident physician on This Morning, Dr Zoe Williams has created a ‘What The Gut’ museum to encourage the public to educate themselves on their gut health.

The pop-up museum is an abstract experiential journey through components that make up the ‘gut’ including the oesophagus, stomach and intestines. The public can begin their journey through the mouth-shaped entrance opening up onto Soho’s Greek Street through to three separate areas; ‘ Gut Feels, Gut Connections, and Gut TLC.

The museum has been created in response to research from the brand that revealed that as a nation, we don’t really understand much about our gut’s functions or how best to care for it! As although 82% of adults agreed it’s an important part of the body to look after, 47% admitted that they weren’t sure on how.

Dr William’s said: “The gut is such an important part of our body and does so much more than digestion, it has many amazing connections which impact different facets of our health. However, research has revealed a huge information gap when it comes to the gut. Looking after it is fundamental and the ‘What the Gut?’ museum provides an immersive way to learn more. Knowledge is power, and so the more we know, the more we can look after our guts, and live healthier, happier lives.”

The ‘What The Gut’ museum will be open from 15th – 16th February and tickets are available for free here

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