Guerrilla campaign plants ‘Cure for Racism’ in pharmacies

By on Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Pill boxes claiming to be a ‘Cure for Racism’ have popped up on shelves in pharmacies in New York as part of a guerilla marketing campaign to tackle racism directed at the Asian community.

The campaign has been led by ad agency Anchor Worldwide’s art director Kevin Bae in a bid to drive more awareness of the issue and call for an end to asian-directed bigotry.

The boxes describe themselves as using an ‘AAPI formula’, the acronym relating to the group of persons affected by the majority of the new wave of racism; American Asian Pacific Islanders, as hate crimes against the community have risen over 300% during the pandemic.

Inspired by the prescriptive language of legitimate medicines, the instructions on the pack read:

“There is no recommended dosage of anti-racism treatment, only learning and understanding can help. If you are experiencing irrational anger OR biased thoughts against AAPI individuals, introspect thoroughly, and seek help”

It gives further advise to those whose symptoms are more serious;

‘If you are experiencing racist thoughts or behavior and feel increasingly violent towards others, just stay home and rest. Forever…No one wants racists out on the city streets. We all belong here.”

Further details on the cleverly designed, deceptive packaging, break down the supposed supplement’s dosage into concepts such as ‘Love….100mg, Compassion…….50mg’ and on the reverse, the pack admits that whilst ‘There is no medical cure for racism’ everyone is able to take action, with an invite to scan the QR code on the pack that also directs readers to the Stop AAPI Hate site.

Chief creative officer at Anchor Worldwide, Aaron Sedlak, has likened the spread of racism to a disease, making this campaign all the more apt and powerful.

To find out more, read here

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