Channel 4 Invites Us To Stare At Paralympic Posters

By on Thursday, August 19, 2021

Channel 4 has recently smashed a campaign for the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic games as its official broadcaster. The campaign uses beaming outdoor prints in bright colours to capture the attention of passers-by and to amplify the ‘superhuman-ness’ of these extraordinary athletes.

Using vivid shades of pink, yellow and green, the posters and ads are unmissable. The tag line, ’Its rude not to stare’ is a clever twist on the familiar childhood reprimand many people got from their parents.

Instead of adhering to the social stigma of ‘not staring’ –  Channel 4 invites us to acknowledge these incredible athletes and their disabilities.

The posters follow this year’s ‘Superhuman’ campaign, which plays on the premise that to be a Paralympian, there’s got to be something wrong with you.

The campaign is a huge step towards tackling stigma and prejudice against Paralympians and disabled people.


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