Hope Tape – South Korea introduces an ingenious way to remind people of missing children’s info across the country

By on Monday, July 26, 2021

In South Korea, over 660 children have been reported missing for over a year, with 638 of those kids missing for upwards of five years. To remind the public of these children’s info, Hope tape was created. 

Using AI technology, the Korean National Police Agency and Cheil Worldwide worked together to create imagery of the children, uncovering how these kids would look today, years after they were last seen.

This imagery, along with a QR code, was then printed onto parcel tape alongside their key information. The tape was then made publicly available through the Korean Postal service, meaning anyone that had a parcel to send could use this tape to package their items. 

Within a month, more than 630,000 packages were delivered across the country with these messages, equal to 100,000 flyers distributed per child.

“We ask for the urgent attention and cooperation of citizens and communities around the country to help give hope and encouragement to families of children who have gone missing,” the KNPA said in a statement. “By organizing the Hope Tape campaign, we seek to draw attention to this terribly sad situation.”

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