HOY Buenos Aires create Fireproof Newspaper to spread news, not fire

By on Friday, April 30, 2021

Forest fires continue to wreak havoc across the globe and particularly in the southern Argentinian region of Patagonia where many have recently suffered.

HOY Buenos Aires, part of Havas, has collaborated with local firefighters and newspapers to create and publish the world’s first fireproof newspaper. Designed to spark awareness, combat irresponsible behaviour and drive donations towards the local firefighting organisation.

95% of forest fires are ignited by humans, and majority of which derive from using newspaper as kindling.

The special edition, printed for one time, is completely resistant to fire – the only paper that can spread news but not fires.

The volunteer firefighters voiced their support for the initiative as Captain Paula Mendez says “Our forests are burning, there’s no turning back and it takes many, many years to recover.”

The campaign has been hugely impactful with a reach of 14.2m and a 70% increase in interactions with the foundation.

You can donate to the Firefighters Charity here.



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