Bodyform unveils their period underwear as part of their ‘#PainStories’ series

By on Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Over the last couple of years, we have seen women’s sanitary product brands dominate in challenging the biases around periods and unraveling realistic narratives to create emotive connections with their consumers. Bodyform’s latest campaign follows on from their ‘Viva la vulva’ and ‘Blood normal’ ads.

The #LetYourBodyFlow film created by Abbott Mead Vickers is set in a range of colourful rooms whilst people read, relax, and nurse. The content follows on from ‘The Pain Dictionary’ – #PainStories campaign in March to support the diagnosis of endometriosis and is supported by the Pain Museum.

The Pain Museum recently showcased the real-life experience of period pain to challenge and highlight the notion of the ‘gender pain gap’.

The period pants are also sustainable and reusable, meaning you can wash and reuse them, which has only really been championed by smaller niche brands.

This is a huge step forward for not only normalising the tabu subject of periods pants but setting the tone for big brands to look at their CSR.


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