Twitter rolls out new conversation settings with the help of BBC reporter Robert Kelly
By Joe Colquhoun on Wednesday, November 18, 2020
At the beginning of September Twitter officially begun rolling out new conversation settings that give people more control over their conversations.
Yesterday, they enlisted the help of internet sensation Robert E Kelly (a political analyst for the BBC) to run us through some of its features.
Robert was shot to internet stardom when during a very serious interview for the BBC his children ran into his office unannounced.
It makes total sense then that he’d be the man to choose when it comes to promoting Twitter’s new conversation settings.
With Twitter’s latest update posters can now choose who can reply to their Tweets in advance, with three easy options: 1. everyone can reply (the standard default setting), 2. people you follow can reply, or 3. people you tag within the Tweet can reply.
This is hilariously demonstrated by a group of random people entering Robert’s office mid discussion to stick signs up like “THE EARTH IS FLAT” and take selfies as he talks over them.
Now available to all people on Twitter, the control settings provide people on Twitter full control over their own conversations and the ability to have meaningful discussions in the way they are most comfortable with.