WATCH: Why the Faroe Islands are closing down for tourists

By on Thursday, November 21, 2019

The latest Faroe Islands’ “Closed for Maintenance” campaign has attracted 5,886 people to spend 15-17 April 2020 working on the islands.

Attractions in the Faroe Islands will be closed for regular visitors but open to volunteers – or voluntourists – who wish to help maintain them.

The Faroe Islands will be closed to visitors for one weekend in April ‘for maintenance’.

The initiative is led by Visit Faroe Islands and is part of a greater effort to preserve the Faroe Islands as one of the most unspoiled and unpolluted places on the planet.

This brilliant case study video tells the story.

In February 2019, the “Closed for Maintenance, Open for Voluntourism” campaign began through an announcement on Visit Faroe Islands’ website.


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