You can go to this Stranger Things themed popup bar and drink Upside Down inspired drinks!

By on Thursday, September 21, 2017

Calling all Stranger Thing fanatics! The Pop Up Geeks have launched a pop up in the form of popular Netflix series, Stranger Things, in Edinburgh.

The pop up bar is going to be filled with drinks of ‘dark and dangerous alternatives to the classic cocktails of the 80s’ inspired by the Upside Down.

You can visit the Upside Down at this Stranger Things themed popup bar


But this isn’t just about drinking, people can also take selfies with a life-size Demogorgon and relax in Eleven’s pillow fort. And if this isn’t cool enough – it’s completely free to enter!

The Pop Up Geeks have nailed this in terms of publicity; popular TV show, cocktails and free entry – it markets itself and it’s all leading up to the big blow out on Halloween where the evening will consist of Trick or Treat cocktails, a horror movie marathon and an award for the best 80s costume.

This bar is going to be extremely popular with hard core fans and increase the awareness around The Pop Up Geeks, with this particular event running from 10th September to 31st October.

You can visit the Upside Down at this Stranger Things themed popup bar

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