Oasis offers Twitter user free juice – if he wears this t-shirt every day for a month

By on Friday, August 5, 2016

Drinks brand Oasis’ recent outdoor advertising has gone down well. I’ve seen people online talking about the one below and its humorously transparent ‘It’s summer. You’re thirsty. We’ve got sales targets‘ efforts and it appears to be the start of a slightly different tone for the company’s marketing.

This honest and slightly irreverent approach has extended to its digital comms too, with one Twitter user publicly suggesting he’d love to be sponsored by the brand in order to ‘drink the citrus punch all day everyday’.

Oasis then got into a conversation with him, eventually landing on the following – offering Scott free Oasis if he sends photo evidence of him wearing this t-shirt every day:

An inexpensive and funny take on the ‘brand tattoo’ idea we’ve all thrown out at some stage in angles meetings.

Thanks to: O2’s James Paterson highlighted the exchange to me

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