Fortune Interviews Lex Luthor.

By on Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Lex Luthor

As part of promotional push for the movie “Superman v Batman”, which will be released on March 2016, WB has created a stunt using Fortune Magazine, publishing an interview piece on October 5th, featuring the fictional character Lex Luthor, this time around played by Jesse Eisenberg.

Playing with the boundaries of native advertising, the “interview” goes into great detail examining Luthor’s rise to power, converting his father’s aging mechanics firm into a tech giant, and gives insight in Lex’s character and motivations in Batman v Superman, including a look at LexCorp’s thoroughly modern business environment, his “world famous collection of meteorite crystals” and Easter Eggs alluding to the DC Comics cinematic universe.

You can read the Fortune Magazine interview by clicking on this link.

Fortune Magazine is owned by Time Warner the same parent company from the movie studio.

Additionally, there is also a Twitter account: @alexanderluthor, which might become verified by the time the movie comes out, which is tied to this stunt.

Source: Heroic Hollywood and Newsarama

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