Carlsberg spoofs ‘beach body ready’ ads with speedy reactive billboard
By Rich Leigh on Thursday, April 30, 2015
In an impressively speedy reactive PR move, beer brand Carlsberg snapped up ad space next to the “beach body ready” Protein World ads Twitter’s been going MENTAL over for the last week.
The cross-track projections are running at London Euston, Liverpool Street and Embankment stations from Thursday (April 30, 2015) to Sunday (May 3, 2015).
Protein World’s ‘beach body ready’ campaign, which has been rolled out across multiple sites across the London underground network, provoked a backlash, with an online petition to remove the ads receiving more than 60,000 signatures.
Protein World, which has been entirely unmoved by the negativity arising from its ad, tweeted the below:
If @carlsberg are getting involved, you know you are #Winning