Coca-Cola makes wishes come true with Wish Booths in Dubai

By on Thursday, March 26, 2015

With many immigrants moving to Dubai for work, Coca-Cola have created special Wish Booths that are activated by Coca-Cola bottle caps and have installed them around the city, inviting UAE (United Arab Emirates) residents to make a wish for their families back home.

Some of these wishes went to India, Pakistan and the Philippines to become a reality.

The Wish Upon A Coke campaign looked at the very real fact that more immigrants lived and worked in the UAE than Emirati locals (citizens of the United Arab Emirates), at a ratio of almost 5 to 1. After noting that the majority of these workers were earning money to send back home, they decided to launch a campaign to help.

The Wish Booths were created that when a person steps in, they’re asked what they would wish for their family. These wishes were then recorded and some of them with the help of Coca-Cola came true, such as the payment of school tuition fees, a roof for their parents home and the creation of a business.

Yet another amazing stunt that taps into the family-friendly ideals of Coca-Cola and yet again creates an emotional stunt that has become so typical of Coca-Cola in recent years.


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