Vinnie Jones teaches Spanish in Three PR campaign

By on Thursday, February 12, 2015

Have you ever wanted to learn Spanish from hard-man actor and football fighting legend Vinnie Jones? Well me neither, but now with the help of Three you can!

The former footballer has launched his own Spanish lessons through a set of online tutorials for Brits going off on their holidays, in celebration of Three customers being able to use their phones in Spain at no extra cost.


Among the many phrases that Vinnie Jones has in his vocabulary, he teaches essentials such as “Oi, come over here and get in this selfie, mate” and “Wow, slow it down, I don’t speak much Spanish.”

Vinnie said:  “I’ve holidayed in Spain for years and you can’t beat it for sun, sea, sand and a few sangrias.”

“Along the way I’ve managed to pick up a bit of the local lingo so it’s great to be able to share some with my fellow Brits and help them out as they prepare for their holiday.”

The set of tutorials were produced by Three, which estimates that 13 million Brits will travel to Spain this summer.

Involved agency: Cow PR

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