High street chain offering free suit dry cleaning to the unemployed
By Rich Leigh on Friday, January 9, 2015
In a great New Year campaign, UK high street chain Timpson is offering to dry clean suits for unemployed people for free.
The brand, which also offers key-cutting and shoe repairs, has put up posters outside its stores that say: “If you are unemployed and need an outfit cleaned for an interview, we will clean it for free.”
According to this on the BBC, the offer, in place since the New Year, has been taken up by hundreds of people.
Source: I was sent it a week or so back when CEO James Timpson unveiled the idea without much initial fanfair on Twitter. I tweeted about it as a great PR idea then, but since, it’s been picked up by mainstream media outlets including the Mirror, the Evening Standard and the Metro. Thanks also to Tom Winterton at Citizen PR, who kindly thought of me when he spotted it, too).