Positive pants from Fruit of the Loom

By on Monday, July 21, 2014

A pants-related campaign from Fruit of the Loom (you’ll remember their t-shirts from school) – this time rewarding customers with ‘negative’ names by giving them free pants.


Part of its Negative Names, Positive People campaign, Fruit of the Loom offered free undies to Facebook users whose names have negative connotations i.e. (grumpy) Gus or Debbie (downer). Those claiming their free underwear received not only a free pair of pants but also a nice affirmation that you are indeed a positive person regardless of your negative name.

What I love about this campaign – the tagline; Keep your name, change your undies. Who thought that would be a campaign strapline at some point!  I also love the simplicity of it – it’s a giveaway, which is ordinary enough, but it involves underwear, giving it an instant interest factor. It’s also a little bizarre as it seems unrelated to anything, and who doesn’t love something a little weird! Certainly consumers did – the pants were gone in just a few days!

Well done, FotL Team.

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