‘World’s first’ touch-sensitive playable posters used in musical Beck’s campaign
By Rich Leigh on Wednesday, May 7, 2014
I’m always keen to hear about emerging technology and ways in which marketing can benefit from innovation, so this PR example is right up my street.
In New Zealand, beer brand Beck’s has created ‘the world’s first playable poster’:
The world-first technology uses touch-sensitive conductive ink and a flat-panel speaker to deliver the sound.
The playable poster, at present in an ‘experimental’ phase, has been created to promote local musicians. According to the video above, they’ll be appearing on ‘popular music street poster sites’ and at Beck’s venues around the country throughout May – dubbed ‘New Zealand Music Month‘.
The implications for the humble poster ad of the touch-sensitive technology, particularly if visuals could be added in alongside the sound, could be incredible – you could be playing apps on posters whilst waiting for the bus before you know it.