The selfie that broke Twitter

By on Monday, March 3, 2014

This selfie stunt by Samsung has now become the most retweeted tweet of ALL time. Samsung announced they were going to sponsor the selfies at The Oscars, but did anyone expect them to get the host Ellen DeGeneres to gather up her pals for the ultimate selfie?

The film crew panned out to show Bradley Cooper take the selfie with stars like Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and Liza Minnelli in the shot (well, she tried) on a Samsung mobile. Activity was tweeted from Twitter for Android, however Ellen was also caught using an iPhone as some tweets came from Twitter for iPhone and pro software Adobe Social.

The tweet that crashed Twitter beats President Obama’s previous record – achieved when he posted a picture of him and the First Lady when he won the 2012 presidential elections—which scored 779,460 retweets. Since then Ellen’s Twitter following has increased 47x more than her normal daily rate, sitting at a cool 26.6million.





Sadly, Liza Minnelli didn’t make the cut…



Was the real winner of The Oscars Twitter? People from all over the world have been copying the poses and creating their own Oscars Selfie – just look here and here! Even Ad agency Lean Mean Fighting Machine made a quick page on their site which makes sure you create the perfect selfie with the office.

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