Paddy Power gatecrash Brit awards red carpet with Daft Punk impersonators in Y-fronts
By Rich Leigh on Wednesday, February 19, 2014
After the furore surrounding one PR agency’s efforts to ensure attending journalists tweeted about Brit award sponsors Mastercard (here on the Press Gazette – which apparently buckled under the traffic) this PR stunt from Paddy Power is somewhat at the opposite end of the spectrum.
Daft Punk impersonators gatecrashed the Brits 2014 red carpet wearing green Paddy Power Y-fronts – making great use of the assembled media with this very well-taken stunt:
It appears some mistook the duo for the real Daft Punk.
So far and having had a quick flick around Topsy I’ve seen mostly PR/media types sharing the image above (with a mention on Digital Spy, OK Magazine and a couple of other entertainment sites), so it could just be one of those things we in the industry get excited about. That said, even without the likely coverage in tomorrow’s round-ups, for the cost of a couple of helmets and finding two blokes with the balls to do it (snort), it will probably be considered a success.
Read more: Paddy Power’s blog about the stunt
Involved agency: Taylor Herring