Google celebrates ‘Gay Pride’ with rainbow coloured search box
By Jonathan Kerr on Sunday, June 30, 2013
Following the fantastic news from the Supreme Court of the United States that preventing two people getting married is unconstitutional, Google’s PR team got straight on the case. The coding for this has been functional for some time now, as part of Gay Pride Month. However, I suspect that it is only following the Supreme Court decision that the search string “DOMA” also triggered the same Easter Egg as other LGBT-friendly terms, such as “Stonewall”, “LGBT”, and “gay”…
This is a great piece of PR because it spreads by word of mouth, like many of Google’s Easter Eggs – I’m sure everyone remembers typing in “Famous French Victories” and clicking “I’m feeling lucky” for a bit of good-natured ribbing of our cousins across the Channel. However, it’s been helped enormously by the repeal of DOMA (the Defense of Marriage Act, which denied same-sex legally married couples from receiving benefits) as more and more people start searching for related search strings. This isn’t going to change the world, but it’s great work from Google’s continually excellent creative team and is an excellent way to show the gay community that Google is on their side.
Earlier this month, a lesbian couple were married over Google Hangouts.