Domino’s release DVDs that smell like pizza
By Alex Judd on Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Smell’s a powerful form of marketing. The amount of times I’ve been lured into Subway by the smell alone stands testament to that. However, this sensory technique has been limited to the high street; until now – as Domino’s have gone on to develop DVD’s that smell like pizza.
Showing their nose for a good idea, this means as your rented DVD plays, the alluring scent (to some) is released. And if that isn’t enough to get you ordering, using thermal ink, the disc will have transformed into a ‘pizza’ once you take it out – hinting that the movie would of been even better with a Domino’s pizza.
It’s currently only available in Brazil, although a worldwide launch is cooking away. In the meantime, check out the video below for more details: