Tesco launches innovative Google Map Easter Egg hunt
By Jade Mansell on Friday, March 22, 2013
Today Tesco launched a brilliant (dare I say cracking?) Easter campaign with their online interactive egg hunt #Find The Eggs.
Users are being encouraged to visit www.tescofindtheeggs.com and enter their postcode, following which they’ll find a Google Street View page which has thousands of virtual eggs hidden in the area.
As well as providing a fun distraction on a Friday afternoon, Tesco has incentivised users by promising free MaltEaster chocolate bunnies for all users who find three eggs, and a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2S for those who find a special golden egg.
In order to locate the eggs you must use the Eggdar (egg radar), which, unsurprisingly, can only be activated by liking the Facebook page.
The concept is brilliant on a number of levels – every user has a personalised experience, there’s effective scope for social media engagement, and the campaign is instantly understood.
It also has universal appeal – children are obvious candidates but so too are bored office workers who will emit disproportionate squeals of delight at finding an egg near their drive.
Jude Brooks, head of social communities and insight at Tesco, said: “The Easter egg hunt is a much loved tradition and this year we’re excited to be giving it a digital twist. We hope that people from across the country get online and search for the virtual eggs hidden on their street and even hide some for their friends.”
The campaign is set to expand next week, with the launch of a TV ad featuring a family settling down to enjoy an Easter lunch whilst the youngest focuses all her efforts on finding that final egg in a classic Easter egg hunt.
Have a go yourself (and let me know if you can find three eggs in Edgbaston, I’ve spent far too long failing miserably this morning).