London Zoo catches onto internet cat craze
By Jade Mansell on Tuesday, March 5, 2013
London Zoo has utilised the internet trend of revering cats by creating an interactive map that logs the locations of feline friends across the capital.
It’s quite a neat trick – how many YouTube videos and memes have we seen of cats that look like Hitler, cute cats, grumpy cats, in the last few years?
Their Cat Map has been created to coincide with the opening of the zoo’s new Tiger Territory, so it ties in perfectly with their newest project as well as being topical.
Londoners are being encouraged to add their cats to an online map which mimics techniques used by field conservationists when recording the numbers and locations of individual animals in the wild.
Another clever twist is the zoo’s comment on their new map – they make out that they’re downplaying the news of the new tigers when clearly this is the key fact that they want to gain coverage for.
Cat Map creator Filip Hnizdo said: ‘Our two new tigers are big cat news, but we think little cats are important too.
‘Tigers are the world’s favourite animal, and an iconic species in every culture – we want to see just how important their smaller counterparts are to London’s residents.”
Have a look at the cat map here.