Big Ben sports blue moustache for ‘Movember’

By on Thursday, November 1, 2012

It’s the first of November which can mean only one thing – it’s Movember. And to get things underway Big Ben – the iconic London landmark – was given a bright blue moustache.


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Picture courtesy of Mail Online

For those of you who go into hibernation during the winter Movember is an annual campaign to raise awareness of Prostate Cancer where men grow often ridiculous, and hilarious, facial hair to raise money for related charities such as Prostate Cancer UK.

The Movember concept is in itself a great PR stunt – last year alone £22 million was raised for good causes and encouraged talk on the sensitive issue of men’s genital health – a topic that many men find particularly squeamish.

This stunt is great not only because its a cute way to get everything going but because it connects the issues to Whitehall and makes it clear that this is a topic that needs discussion and is of huge importance to everyone. Cancer research remains one of the most important health areas in the world and taking the issue to the skyline of the Capital is just brilliant.

A big well done to the UK Movember Foundation for this one – I think we are all looking forward to the funny pictures that are now part and parcel of Movember!

Involved agency: Freud Communications

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