Best thing since sliced bread, Warburtons #ToastieKnife

By on Thursday, June 28, 2012

Warburton’s have unveiled a battery-powered heated butter knife, to avoid the annoyance of ripped toast when using butter straight from the fridge. Research found that 41.8 degrees Celsius is the optimum temperature to spread butter, so the heating element of the knife ensures this temperature is constant.

“The breakfast dilemma of trying to spread cold butter straight from the fridge onto toast in the morning has been voted into Britain’s top five breakfast annoyances — and Warburtons, the family baker, has created the Toastie Knife to help with this breakfast dilemma.

Reaching an optimum spreading temperature of 41.8 degrees Celcius in under 30 seconds, the Toastie Knife allows you to spread fridge-cold butter straight onto toast.”

Here is how the heating system works:

The baker’s even provided this infographic:

The knife is however just a prototype (or, a PR stunt), which I’m sure will dismay many toast-eaters. There is already an array of customers on Facebook and Twitter asking where this latest toast-making technology can be bought, even as far afield as the USA.

The idea I’m sure will secure a lot of brownie points for the bakers, even if just for the novelty -I’d buy one. I’m sure it’s very welcome good press for the brand, after the announcement this week of fallen profits, which the Daily Mail say is down to ‘The Curse of Cameron’.

I am however, quite confused about the brand’s choice of hashtag, #ToastKnife, #WarburtonsKnife #ButterKnife #HeatedKnife are some suggestions, I tend to associate the word toastie with a toasted sandwich rather than buttered toast. I can only assume they were trying to link it to one of their own lines of bread ‘Toastie’.

Involved Agencies: Clarion Communications, Design Works

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