NZ Marmite crisis boosts brand
By Annalie Brown on Monday, March 19, 2012
A sad casualty of the Christchurch earthquakes has been the loss of Sanitarium's factory in the city – reportedly the only one manufacturing the iconic Marmite spread (not to be confused with the more palatable UK version).
This week, the company splashed its home page with the news that, due to the closure of its Christchurch factory, Marmite stocks were running low and, in fact, had run out in many places across the country.
Cue panic buying, or at least attempts to, with many disappointed purchase
rs making like Old Mother Hubbard and finding the cupboards (and shelves) bereft of their beloved spread. But many retailers claimed that stocks had started to run low weeks ago, and some questioned if Sanitarium were attempting to profit from their loss.
But typical Kiwi ingenuity seized the day. Even opened jars of the “black gold” are available on New Zealand's TradeMe auction site for up to $500 should you find your addiction too hard to break. To quote classic Kiwi , advertiser Tui, “Yeah Right”!