Ben and Jerry’s rename flavour in support of gay marriage
By Rich Leigh on Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Ben and Jerry's have partnered with gay rights charity Stonewall to campaign for marriage equality in Britain, renaming 'Oh! My! Apple Pie!' 'Apple-y Ever After' in support of government plans to legalise gay marriage.
The ice cream maker has a page dedicated to the cause here.
They are also running a Facebook campaign through which you can 'marry' someone of the same sex, and are also encouraging members of the public to write to their MP.
Ben & Jerry's campaign follows a similar effort in the States where they renamed flavour 'Chubby Hubby' to 'Hubby Hubby' to celebrate gay marriage being legalised in Vermont in 2009.
UPDATE: the beautifully-named Fagburn blog has had a look at the Q&A on B&J's Apple-y Ever After page. Here's a question and answer the company has themselves put up in preparation:
A: “Apple-y Ever After” will be symbolically launched to raise awareness for this issue and will not be an actual pint, but only available in selected scoop shops.”
So, 'Fagburn' got in touch with the Ben and Jerry's press office, who confirmed that the flavour will only be available in 'scoop shops' and not on the shelves of supermarkets – scoop shop locator here . Scoop shops serve in cones and not from the tub you see above, meaning the ice cream doesn't actually exist, and won't either. Which is a shame.
Source: Huffington Post, tweeted to me by Cohn and Wolfe's Emily Wong