Anyone for a ‘Bee-r’? Lidl launches beers made to give bees a buzz

By on Monday, May 27, 2024

For World Bee Day on 20th May, supermarket Lidl has created six-packs of ‘Bee-rs’, tiny 2cm bottles filled with inverted sugar syrup, made for wild bees in need.

The campaign aims to empower the public to help bees regain their buzz, with both urban and rural areas experiencing a decline in the flora that fuels the pollinators.

According to the WWF x Bug Life report in 2023, 40% of bee species in the UK are undergoing ‘dramatic rates of decline’.

As part of the campaign, Lidl will also be donating £10,000 to The British Bee Charity to support their BeeBombs4Schools education program. This program teaches children in schools across the UK to understand the importance of protecting bee species.

The inverted sugar syrup in the bottles is purposefully designed to help ensure that sleepy and fading wild bees get a boost in energy. The ‘Bee-rs’ are available via a giveaway on Lidl’s website for free, and anyone lucky enough to get one should pour a small amount on the ground near a bee that looks tired, i.e. not flying to help it get its energy back.

Additionally, Lidl is partnering with Gosnells, a brand committed to bee protection by eliminating pesticide use in their beverages, to stock honey-based drinks such as Hazy Nectar. Finally, Lidl will be selling bee-friendly plants in stores nationwide.

Greg Bool, Chairman of The British Bee Charity, said: ‘So much of our flora, fauna, and food depends on pollinators – we’re hugely excited to partner with Lidl this World Bee Day to give bees and other pollinators the spotlight and support they need. Lidl’s Bee-rs campaign is a great opportunity for nature lovers to give local biodiversity a little helping hand, and Lidl’s donation will support funding thousands of pupils getting out and about in nature and learning about the precious ecosystems around them.’

Agency: The Romans

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