Level up your mornings with Xbox’s new toaster

By on Thursday, January 4, 2024

Following the success of their console-like mini-fridge, Xbox has released a working toaster that prints their logo onto the side of your breakfast – perfect for the gamers who are up at all hours!

The kitchen appliance resembles the iconic hardware design with the signature black air vent, but that doesn’t mean its toasting capabilities aren’t to be desired… Six levels of heating, a removable tray, a defrost button and an LED countdown which makes sure your toast shade game is levelled up!

Yet, the star of the show is its capability to toast two slices (of whatever you fancy) whilst imprinting the brands iconic logo on the side – resulting in the device being dubbed as “the next generation toasting console”!

The appliance is exclusively available for $39.99 on the Walmart website.

We are so b-ready for this!

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