Bald Men can invoice their granddads for a hair transplant as part of GetHair’s latest campaign

By on Friday, October 27, 2023

There are many advantages to being bald, from saving money on haircuts and shampoo to the ease of waking up each morning with no risk of a bad hair day. Now as part of GetHair’s latest campaign, bald men can add financial compensation to the long list of benefits.

Hair transplant provider GetHair have added a downloadable invoice to their website for balding grandsons looking to get compensation from their granddads who have passed down the ‘bald gene’.

Whilst there is a common misconception that male pattern baldness traditionally passes down from the maternal grandfather, scientific research has revealed that both grandfathers can pass down the gene. Seeing as almost half of men (43%) between the ages of 18 and 49 lose a degree of hair, it isn’t surprising that searches of where the bald gene comes from are on the rise.

There is one upside for soon-to-be out-of-pocket grandfathers, however, as GetHair are offering accommodation and hotel transfers in Istanbul for the first 30 people to claim the offer on their website.


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