Netflix’s ‘Streamberry’ becomes a reality for new Black Mirror episode

By on Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Netflix’s dystopian production Black Mirror parallels reality in innovative ways with every episode – and the latest series is no different. In an episode named ‘Joan Is Awful’, a girl finds that her life is suddenly replicated in a TV drama (named Joan is Awful), with no escape.

The streaming service of ‘Joan Is Awful’ is named ‘Streamberry’ – a platform which eerily mirrors Netflix itself. To mark the episodes release, Netflix have made Streamberry into a real website that Black Mirror fans can explore, on which one can upload a photo and name, and star in their own show. The colour palette and interface are identical to Netflix’s own, and even includes details such as other Black Mirror-related shows, making the viewer experience Uncanny Valley.

You can see this creepy site for yourself here – just don’t get sucked in!

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