The Christmas film supporting the Samaritans

By on Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Wonderhood Studios release “Spot me”, a Christmas film supporting the Samaritans to help highlight loneliness during the festive period.


It begins with a man bragging about how great his Christmas will be, when a stranger offers to help him set up for all his Christmas celebrations. After the helpful stranger leaves, it becomes apparent that the man actually doesn’t have any company coming for Christmas. The campaign reminds us that despite Covid-19 rules no longer limiting who you can see and when, that some are still struggling with loneliness. The man bravely asks the friendly stranger whether they would like to spend the day together and the stranger is more than happy to do so!



The poignant film was created by Sofia Saietzz and Simone Weiiborg and directed by Theo James Krekis through Knucklehead. Samaritans aim is to lower the rate of suicide and therefore reduce factors that contribute towards suicide, loneliness being one of them.

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