The Nashville Public Library issues a new library card specifically for banned books
By Owen Hill on Friday, May 6, 2022
The Nashville Public Library has made its stance known on materials banned from libraries, by releasing four previously banned books as free e-books, alongside an “I Read Banned Books” library card as part of their Freedom to Read campaign.
A recent survey by the American Library Association (ALA) has revealed that 71% of readers are against the removal of books from local public libraries.
The ALA have been tracking thousands of appeals to ban books since the 1980s, and even released a statement as far back as 1953 saying “the freedom to read is… continuously under attack”.
A statement from the Nashville Public Library asks: “Your library card gives you free access to over two million books, e-books, magazines, DVDs, steaming movies, music, and more. Would you surrender your right to choose any one of them?”.
5,000 I Read Banned Books cards are available in 21 locations in America, and they are of no added charge to an existing library card.