McVitie’s launch limited-edition white chocolate Jaffa Cakes on Instagram

By on Thursday, April 28, 2022

After years of requests for a white chocolate version of the nation’s favourite cake in the biscuit aisle, McVitie’s have created an limited-edition run of 40 packs of McVitie’s White Chocolate Jaffa Cakes. 

Featuring the classic orange flavoured centre and light spongy layer of the original, the new limited edition McVitie’s Jaffa Cakes sees their iconic crackly dark chocolate replaced with a silky white chocolate coating, for the first time ever.  

Proving Jaffa dreams can come true, McVitie’s are offering fans the opportunity to get their hands on pack via a competition on the official McVitie’s Jaffa Cakes Instagram. 


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