This is not just an animated pig. This is a Tom-Holland-voiced animated pig.
By Gem Stokes on Thursday, November 4, 2021
The well-loved confectionary character Percy Pig has come to life for the first time ever for M&S’ signature Christmas advert.
Percy Pig (voiced by Tom Holland) is accidentally brought to life in an M&S store by a Christmas fairy with a familiar face (Dawn French). The store may be closed for the night, but the pair can’t wait until morning to explore all the festive treats that M&S has to offer.
The Spiderman actor voices the incredibly detailed animated pig exploring M&S’ signature collection in awe and in contemplation of his very first Christmas.
“I’ve never seen anything so beautiful in all my 23 seconds of life!”, exclaims Percy Pig to the Collection Golden Blond Christmas Pudding.
M&S’ tempting new seasonal products also include the “mild and delicate” Collection Smoked Salmon, and Triple Chocolate Panettone.
M&S have also announced that they’ll be dropping a new advert every week until the New Year; 8 new Percy Pig adventures is nothing to oink at!