Leicester City’s New Ecological Bus Stops Are The Bees Knees

By on Wednesday, June 2, 2021

In recent years, sustainable living and green architecture have been on the rise in cities across the world. Following this trend, Leicester has introduced new ‘bee friendly’ bus stops!

The multi-million-pound scheme is in contingence with Leicester wider response to tackle climate change and improve bus shelters across the city.

By introducing 12 plant-topped ‘Living Roof’ bus shelters Leicester City Council aims to boost local biodiversity and support wildlife.

Each bus stop Living Roof will contain an array of wildflowers and Sedum plants which encourages the growth of pollinating insects like bees and butterflies.

Not only will the bus stops bring the bees, but the ecological bee homes will also add some green to Leicester’s beautiful cityscape.

A 10-year contract between Leicester City council and advertising giant Clear Channel UK which will aim to replace 479 bus shelters and rehome plenty more bees.
The completion of this project is set to be this summer; we’re buzzing!


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