Apples for Apple iPhones: Tesco Mobile adds super substitutes to your grocery shopping

By on Friday, April 16, 2021

Grocery substitutes have long been a frustration for online supermarket shoppers.

Now, a new campaign from Tesco Mobile is turning that all around, by swapping out certain food items with the latest tech. 

Selected stores in the Tesco supermarket chain are giving random shoppers “surprise” substitutions, such as an Apple iPhone SE in place of apples.

Apples, laundry tablets and even frozen cod are being swapped for brand new phones, tech and wearables until 18 April in lucky Click+Collect orders. 

Ordered gnocchi? You might get yourself the new Nokia. Laundry tablets, a new Samsung Galaxy tablet and an apple a day might help you get a new iPhone – as one lucky person found out earlier this week.


The campaign was created to show how amazing things can happen when the worlds of supermarket and mobile come together – all while putting a smile on shopper’s faces.

For more information, visit

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