The Dude and Carrie Bradshaw return for Stella Artois’ Super Bowl Ad

By on Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Stella Artois is bringing back The Dude and Carrie Bradshaw for the Super Bowl.

Jeff Bridges and Sarah Jessica Parker’s iconic characters are seen reaching for a Stella instead of their ‘usual’ drink to help end the global water crisis as part of the brand’s long-standing partnership with

In Stella’s new ad the pair are swapping out their signature drinks – a White Russian and a Cosmo – for a Stella to show how easy it is to help transform someone’s life with access to clean water.

“Good choice,” Carrie remarks when she notices what The Dude is drinking, to which he naturally responds, “Well, changing can do a little good. The Dude abides.”

Agency: Mother NY

spotted in USA Today

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