This beer brand is printing World Cup tweets on lager foam

By on Thursday, June 14, 2018

Raise your beer glasses to one of the more creative brand campaigns of the World Cup spotted so far…

A Swedish beer brand is encouraging fans to put their phones away during the games and “follow social media live on your beer instead.”

The last World Cup in 2014 was the single most tweeted event in the world to date so Norrlands Guld (no, me neither) decided to combine the two, and invented a new system for imprinting tweets in beer.

The brewer built a printer that uses malt-based ink and scans Twitter for the latest and most relevant World Cup-related tweets.

According to CNS News it then scales the tweets to perfectly fit the beer foam.

Tweets are served on the beers seconds after they appear on Twitter.

A video of the Swedish beer’s innovation in action is posted on the company’s YouTube page, which proclaims its product “The Social Beer”:

“A new beer innovation from Norrlands Guld. Now you can follow the latest tweets from the World Cup – right in your beer! This summer we are serving an updated beer. Put your phone away during the game. Follow social media live on your beer instead.”

The machine will be available at select bars all over Sweden throughout the World Cup.

h/t for the tip @MGreer_PR 



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