Beano hits Rees-Mogg with a legal smackdown for impersonating Walter Brown

By on Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Kids entertainment brand The Beano has entered the world of politics.

Beano Studios have today issued Jacob Rees-Mogg with a ‘cease and desist letter’ firmly requesting that he stops impersonating Dennis and Gnasher’s nemesis Walter Brown – and landing coverage pretty much everywhere.

From his side swept parting to his rounded spectacles there is no denying that the MP is a dead ringer for the beloved Beano character. However, according to the letter, his imitation of Walter does not end at simply aesthetic similarities.

In their letter, Beano Studios outline that Rees-Mogg has also copied their young Walter’s personality traits “to the benefit of enhancing [his] career and popularity”.

BBC news sent a news crew to his home in Somerset.

The letter reference’s Walter’s renowned “bullish” behaviour, love of classical music and generally observed snootiness.

Mike Stirling, Head of Beano Studios, Scotland said: “We were flattered when we discovered that Jacob Rees-Mogg has dedicated his life to impersonating one of my favourite Beano characters, young Walter. Nonetheless, as a hard-working British media company, we would prefer the public gets its Walter fix in the pages of our comics and on , rather than played out on the political stage. In other words, bog off Rees-Mogg!”

Mr Rees-Mogg has said he was happy to be compared to Walter the Softy. He wrote on Twitter: ‘I am flattered to be accused by the Beano’s legal eagles of imitating Walter the Softy whose powerful physical prowess is so much greater than my own.

Some great Twitter ensued…

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